• Record : Canadian Kennel Club & American kennel Club

Dalmatian la Petite Patte Breeder


Quality Dalmatian breeding.

All our adults are tested for deafness. Member of the Canadian Kennel Club and Founder and organizer of the Hautes-Laurentides animal shows ( http://salondesanimauxhl.e-monsite.com)

Passion and respect, the well-being of our dogs is a rule of life here... Breeder since 2004 our puppies are guaranteed for 3 years. Specialized, professional, qualified.

We own a dog centre that specializes in grooming, training and rehabilitation.( www.lapetitepatte.ca)

Our dogs live with us in the house and we will be happy to introduce them to you! We have 3 females and 1 male. See our website for pictures!

Breeders, post an ad here

Breeders, post an ad here

New litter, fair or competition, mating



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