• Fidelity member
  • Member : chantal Bedard
  • Location : Saint-Rémi, Québec , Canada
  • Phone : 514-797-7009
  • Web Site : http://www.bichonsnowbelle.com
  • Social Media :
  • Record : Non
  • Licence : mapaq

Breeder Bichonsnowbelle


Breeder for 32 years, we raise in family environment wonderful Bichons.

Our breeding includes toy and miniature puppies.
All our mums and dads have been chosen, not only for their beauty, but also for their
but especially for their good temperament and the conformity of these breeds.
Please note that we carry out genetic tests on the parents.

We take all the necessary measures to ensure the well-being and socialisation of our little treasures.

Our primary mission is to provide them with an ethical and safe home in order to provide you with an ideal companion, adapted to your needs.
ideal companion, adapted to your needs and who will make you happy!

All our loves are sold as pets and not for breeding purposes.

Thank you for choosing us, we look forward to talking with you!

thank you

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Notre mission première est de leur fournir un foyer éthique et sécuritaire afin de vous fournir un
compagnon idéal, adapté à vos besoins et qui saura vous rendre heureux!

Tous nos amours sont vendu comme animal de compagnie et non à des fins de reproduction.

Nous vous remercions de nous avoir choisi, au plaisir de discuter avec vous!


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