• Fidelity member
  • Member : Nathalie Lavoie Lavoie
  • Location : Alma, Québec , Canada
  • Phone : 418 720-6149
  • Web Site : http://domainedubiewer.com/
  • Social Media :
  • Record : IBC - International Biewer Club
  • Certification : IBC

Domaine du Biewer (Yorshire Terrier) Breeder


Breeding of Magnificent Biewer imported from Russia. A new breed that we hope will soon be recognized here in Canada. We are working very hard to continue the fine work that Mrs. and Mrs. Biewer have taken so much time to raise. Now we have the privilege of being able to find them here in Canada and we are very proud to be a part of them. Disturbed by the birth of a Yorkshire variegated puppy and seduced by the extreme whiteness of this puppy Mr. and Mrs. Biewer have been studying the possibility of a mutation of a recessive gene pieced into their breeding lines. Their beautiful work fills us with happiness with our perfect little blue-white and gold Biewer.

We breed only Biewer recognized in Germany by the International Biewer Club and only breed pure Biewer in order to continue and respect all the work done by our predecessors.

We are very proud to be able to share this magnificent breed and especially our ever growing passion.


The Biewer is a small dog, the smallest of the terrier family. He is distinguished by his beautiful three-coloured coat.

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