• Record : Non
  • Recognition : lignée de chasse
  • Licence : oui

Breeder FamilySpringer.


At FamilySpringer, animal welfare is more important than anything else in the world!
To demonstrate this, the photo below shows our female breeders. As you can see, Stella is not present. The reason is that she's in the family home.
Here, our bitches enter the house in rotation from 1 to 2, in order to maintain a healthy mental balance at regular intervals, so they have access to the daily life that all families have, and are in no way cloistered in cages or isolated in kennels - it's the secret of their sociability!

We have several breeds, as you can also see, but at FamilySpringer, we only breed "English Springer Spaniels" who have puppies when I want them, so they're ethical. Not being springers, Hatshy is a bitch for whom I had a crush and not for adoption.

Meet the FamilySpringer family!
A unique and eclectic family ❤️✌️

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