Your dog and the winter
Do you like winter? If so, your dog will have lots of fun this winter! Do not think that your dog will get cold outside, small and big can go out even if the weather is cold. Of course, you must be vigilant. Indoor dogs For most of us, our dog shares our home, therefore being less exposed to cold temperatures, thus having less endurance. Some dogs, with a finer morphology, shorter hair ...
My dog is barking! What can I do to make him stop ?
First, know that barking is caused either by learning or by emotion. There are only these two possible causes. What I mean by learning is quite simple. Either you taught it to bark on command, or you accidentally rewarded or reinforced the barking when it occurred. If you taught him to ...
Why isn't my 3 month old puppy clean yet? Chronicle by Johanne Parent, breeder, canine educator, canine behavior coach and trainer.
In recent months, the number of newly adopted puppies has skyrocketed. These new owners, ill-prepared and/or ill-informed, complain about the lack of cleanliness of their puppy. Seriously? If it takes 2 years for a toddler to learn to be clean, how can you believe that a puppy is clean almost instantly ...
My dog destroys everything ! How to correct his behavior ? Chronicle by Johanne Parent, Dog Obedience Trainer/Instructor certified and Caninebehavioral coach
Chewing and shredding are essential needs for most dogs. It is a completely natural behaviour and is linked to the prey instinct. In nature, dogs sniff to follow their prey. He will chase it, catch it, kill it, chew it and shred it to ingest it. The pet dog lives in ...